CULTURE OF UZBEKISTAN | UZBEK EMBASSY IN GERMANY - Information from the Uzbek Embassy in Germany outlines the culture characteristics of Uzbekistan, describing the clothing, headdress (tubeteika), cuisine, dance and sports.

CULTURE | VOICES OF CENTRAL ASIA - Articles and editorials cover a wide range of Central Asian's unique clothing styles and influences, including topics around chapans, munisaks, burqas, kuylaks, skullcaps, and more.

EQUALITY NOW - Global network of law professionals working to promote legislative actions to protect and promote women's rights by aiming to end legal inequality, sexual exploitation, and sexual violence.

GIRLS NOT BRIDES - Collective, global member organization working together to end child and forced marriages and unions through education, policy, financial and other approaches.

INTERNATIONAL MISSION BOARD - U.S. based Southern Baptist missionary operates with overseas church partners to evangelize Christian teachings.

LOSSI 36 - Sweden-based organization is a springboard for student work to feature news, analysis, and photography from Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

NOWRUZ | BRITANNICA - Encyclopedia Britannica entry outlines the history and modern observance of Nowruz, a Zoroastrian festival marking the beginning of the Spring season, and practiced in Persian influenced regions including Central Asia.

UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION (UNESCO) - UN body aims to bridge relationships of its member countries through the expertise of education in the sciences and culture, and promoting awareness of cultural heritage through practice and knowledge.


ANASTASIADATE.COM - Offers a global dating service connecting singles, and aims to promote dating opportunities.

ASIANDATE.COM - International dating site offers introductions and direct communication with Asian men and women seeking relationships.

CHARMDATE.COM - Russian dating service for singles to meet Russians and Ukrainians

MUSLIMA - Muslim focused matrimonial match-making site caters to those singles born into Islam and converts.