Central Asia Commerce - Business Resource and Directory of Central Asia

Asia Universal Bank - aims to facilitate the development of commercial relations between CIS countries and the global community, thus playing an integral role in building a financial bridge between the East and the West

Baitushum and Partners - microfinance bank offers various retail banking services

Bakai Bank - offers a wide ranges of services with individual and corporate banking

BTA Bank - provides a variety of corporate and retail banking services including mortgage operations, SME financing, money transfers and more

Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan - services include personal banking, payment cards, safe cells, internet banking and more

Demir Kyrgyz International Bank - services include retail banking, corporate banking and Internet banking

Kyrgyz Credit Bank - provides various cash and credit services including money transfers and business loans

Manas Bank - individual and small business services include money transfers, safe boxes, security operations, Internet banking and more

National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic - site offers information on the country's banking legislation, monetary policy, currency and more

Optima Bank - financial products and services include personal banking, crediting, safe deposit boxes, business services and more

RSK Bank - various offerings include foreign currency trading, traveler's checks, transfers and more