Central Asia Commerce - Business Resource and Directory of Central Asia | |||||||
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Beyond Investment Group - provides consulting services to local and multinational enterprises in the area of corporate finance, transaction support, taxation and industry expertise consultancy in sectors that include energy, mining, agriculture and construction Center for Energy Efficient Building Central Asia - public foundation providing technical services and trainings in sustainable technologies for energy efficient building and green production Community International Consulting - engages in projects to improve quality of life with engineering solutions consistent with the principles of sustainable development Kumtor Gold Company - operates the Kumtor gold pit mine National Energy Holding Company - aims to manage the country's energy sector, it includes National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan, Severelectro, Vostokelektro, Oshelectro, Jalalabadelectro, Bishkek heating network, and Chakan Hydro Power Plant and Kyrgyz Energy Settlement Center Severelectro - Bishkek's local energy-distribution company
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