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Amcham Uzbekistan - Voluntary, independent association of businesspersons and entities that unites foreign companies originating from US, Europe and South Pacific Asia. AmCham is an affiliate and a fully accredited member of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, and aims to provides a platform for networking, knowledge sharing and business promotion. Angren Free Economic Zone - portal of the Angren Directorate office provides references and information to promote business development in the Angren province Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan - pro-business member organization aims to promote favorable conditions for the development of the private sector Management Training Programme - training project aims to strengthen the human capital across the Uzbek managerial community placing particular emphasis on small and medium sized enterprises, with the vision to improve the performance of the SME sector in Uzbekistan National Association of Accountants and Auditors of Uzbekistan - Organization of accounting practitioners facilitates the further development of the accounting and auditing profession in Uzbekistan in meeting international accounting standards, and also advocates and protects the sector. Navoi Free Economic Zone - portal of the Navoi province's Directorate office promotes business development and integration for the region RB Asia - Part of the RB Partners Group, this branch aims to provide consulting services toward business and financing investment projects to international companies and investment funds that are interested in foreign direct investment in Uzbekistan. UHY Tashkent LLC - Offers a wide range of audit and consulting services including tax planning. Uzbekistan | Healy Consultants Group PLC - offers business registration services for Uzbekistan including LLC, JST and related offerings
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