ALICE - Educational software that teaches kids from middle school to university level, the fundamentals of computer programming.

CODO DESIGN - Indianapolis-based branding and web design firm.

COLVIR SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS - UK-Russian based software company with a focus on banking system integrated solutions.

DIFF CHECKER - Online tool for developers and coders to compare text differences between two text files.

G-PRODESIGN - Bulgaria-based advertising agency offers web design, development, SEO, and more.

GO-GULF.COM - Dubai web design and web application development company offers web portals, website design, SEO, logo design and more.

HIBU - Provides merchants with a broad range of digital marketing and commerce solutions including listings management, reputation management, social marketing, SEO, and more.

IGALIA - provides a wide range of services in open source development including consulting and training

INTERNATIONAL WEB DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - provides web design, development, updates, and support services to business, non-profit, and government

INTERNATIONAL WEBMASTERS ASSOCIATION - non-profit professional association providing educational and certification standards for Web professionals

INTERNATIONAL-WEB DESIGN, LLC - services include online and traditional marketing, web development and information systems, communication and client management, corporate branding, media advertising, and technical consulting

LIVEEDU.TV - live project-based learning platform for people to improve their technical job skills in programming, game development, data science, design, augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial intelligence

MAGNON INTERNATIONAL - India web design and development company providing services to clients worldwide

OODESIGN.COM - reference and information on various design patterns and object oriented design

OPTIMALWORKS - provides web design, online marketing, IT consultancy and technical training services

SANJAR MEDIA - creates web sites for businesses and organizations and plans strategic online marketing campaigns

SOLSTICE MOBILE - provides mobile centric expertise and services including contextual service design, mobile strategy and governance, user experience, mobile architecture and more

STUFF & NONSENSE - UK website design studio

TUT INTERNATIONAL LTD. - provides web site design, web promotion, web hosting and web consultation

WEBZ DESIGN AND SOLUTIONS - offers web design and graphic design services including e-commerce, web redesign, brochures, newsletters, flyers, logos, annual reports, ads, package design, business cards, web applications, magazines and more

WICKEDLY SMART - educational technology company devoted to helping others achieve software mastery through brain-friendly media

WUNDERKRAUT - digital agency specializes in designing and delivering various services including marketing, application development, Drupal services, payment systems, analytics, and more

ZAN SOLUTIONS - UAE-based agency offers web development and design services including hosting, graphic design, search engine optimization, social media marketing and more


A LIST APART - explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices

BEN FRAIN - web developer and author covers topics such as responsive design, HTML5, CCS3, SASS and more

BROKEN LINKS - Peter Gasston's blog on web development and technologies

CATS WHO CODE - features articles on web design and development

CHRIS MILLS - development articles covers HTML, CSS, Opera and more

DAILYJS - daily JavaScript news and tips

INSPECT ELEMENT - articles and resources covering web design and development with a focus on design, HTML, CSS, jQuery, WordPress, Photoshop and more

SMALLEY CREATIVE BLOG - Michael Smalley, a systems administrator, offers tutorials, news, and technical solutions

SMASHING MAGAZINE - online magazine for professional Web designers and developers, with a focus on useful techniques, best practices and valuable resources

THE HAYSTACK - Stephen Hay on web design

WEBAPPERS - dedicated to share top quality open source resources for web developer and web designer daily


HANNON HILL - offers Cascade Server, a web content management solution targeting a variety of industries including education, healthcare, technology and government

TYPO3 - open source content management system for websites, intranets and mobile applications


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Animate.css - CSS animation library includes effects like bounce, fade, flip, zoom and more

Compass - open-source CSS authoring framework

CSS Compressor - online tool to compress CSS code to reduce file size

CSS Test - online test checks for CSS3 features of the browser

CSS | Mozilla Developer Network - developer portal includes documentation, tutorials, news and related topics

CSS | W3C - current status documentation of CSS with links to associated drafts

CSS3 Click Chart - offers CSS example code for box sizing, word wrap, rotate, resize and more

CSS3 Generator - online tool to create border radius, box shadow, text shadow, box sizing and more with CSS

CSS3 Generator - visually clean customizable CSS3 generator which includes support for older browsers

CSS3 Pie - provides capability to make Internet Explorer versions 6 - 9 capable of rendering several CSS3 decoration features

CSS3 Please! - make changes to the CSS online to receive instant changes

CSS3.Info - resources include CSS3 previews, weblog, news and more

Sass - CSS extension enables faster authoring and easier management


Acquia - provides a Drupal platform for content creation, community and e-commerce via cloud services

Dries Buytaert - blog of the original creator and project lead of Drupal

Drupal - open source content management platform used for blogs, websites, enterprise applications and more

Drupal Answers - question and answer site for Drupal developers and administrators

Drupal Commerce - e-commerce framework on the Drupal framework

Drupal Gardens - Acquia's Drupal cloud platform offers a WYSIWYG web development approach

Drupal Showcase - features examples of Drupal sites organized by type, industry and location

Drupal.com - project of Dries Buytaert, the Drupal project founder and lead, to promote Drupal by featuring a wide range of sites running on the platform

Github | Drupal - verbatim mirror of the git.drupal.org repository for Drupal core

New England Drupal Camp - event sessions cover Drush commands, entities, domain access, case studies, integration with external services and more

Pressflow - distribution of Drupal with integrated performance, scalability, availability, and testing enhancements

Git Version Control

Atlassian - provides products for improving software development, project management, collaboration, and code quality which include Stash, for Git repository management

Beanstalk - private code hosting allows designers and developers to store source code, track changes, and collaborate with their team through Subversion and Git version control systems

Bitbucket - free code DVCS hosting site for Git and Mercurial

EGit - implementation of Eclipse tooling on top of the JGit Java implementation of Git

Git - free and open source distributed version control system

Git Reference - quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands

Git Source Control Provider - extension that integrates Git with Visual Studio

GitHub - hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system

Perforce - offers version control and version management solutions including Git Fusion

Tower - Git client for the Mac


AngularJS - JavaScript framework offers declarative templates with data-binding, MVW, MVVM, MVC, dependency injection and testability implemented with client-side JavaScript

Backbone.js - JavaScript library gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events

Enable JavaScript - provides instructions on how to enable JavaScript in five most commonly used browsers

Fancybox - tool for displaying images, HTML content and multimedia in a Mac-style lightbox that floats over the web page

JavaScript Kit - offers free scripts and tutorials, and JavaScript forum

JavaScript Source - JavaScript resource with cut and paste examples

jQuery - JavaScript library with capabilities to make HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax functionality

JSLint - JavaScript code quality tool

Minify JavaScript - online JavaScript compression tool

Underscore.js - JavaScript library that provides functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects


ArkivMusic, The Source for Classical Music

.NET Developer's Journal - breaking technology news on cloud, .NET, Java, open source and more

DeveloperDrive - Web development blog, news and tutorials

DevWebPro - delivers tutorials and web developer news

Dr. Dobb's - software development news and articles covers cloud, mobile, programming and more

Ruby Daily - offers the latest news about ruby programming and web development

Six Revisions - provides Web design news, tutorials, articles

Smashing Magazine - delivers tips, tricks, ideas or techniques for the Web development and design community

Unfinished Business - weekly discussion show about the business of web design

Web Development News | CMS Wire - web magazine focuses on intelligent information management, digital customer experience management, and the emergence of social business tools and practices

Web Development News | Entrepreneur.com - latest news, videos, and discussion topics on Web development

Website Development News - offers website development news on topics like social media optimization, blogging, business development, search engine optimization, design and more


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Dutch PHP Conference - event delivers talks aimed at PHP and mobile web developers, and software architects

International PHP Conference - experts from the PHP industry meet up with users and developers to discuss trends and technologies

Laravel - open source PHP web application framework for MVC web application development

PEAR - framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components

PECL - repository for PHP Extensions

PHP - general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development

PHP Forum - discussion forum for PHP covers installation, coding, database, jobs and more

PHP Nuke - portal for downloads including programs, drivers, mobile and games

PHP Resource Center - provides more than four thousand PHP-related resources including scripts, software, code snippets, tutorials, development tools and more


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Vagrant - enables users to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments

VirtualBox - open source virtualization product for enterprise runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris


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